Growing Learning and Outreach
We have been delighted to welcome three new members of staff as we grow our Learning and Outreach activities during 2024.

Pictured above, from left: Jemma Cuthbert, Alison Dinnie, Alex Williams
Working with our Learning and Outreach Manager Becky Wilkinson are:
- Jemma Cuthbert who will already be known to some as our East Anglia Education Officer. She has taken on the additional role of School and Community Outreach Officer for our Teaching Trees programme, Junior Forester Award, APF schools visits and School Tree Planting.
- Alison Dinnie has joined us as Forestry Careers Advisor and will be working on our Forestry Roots programme, Careers Roadshows and careers advice.
- Alex Williams is our first Green Tree Badge Co-ordinator, helping us grow this exciting project as we look to inspire more than one million children. Alex has spent the last ten years establishing forest schools and delivering accredited training in Forest School and outdoor learning. She is an LTL Accredited Professional in Outdoor Learning and Play, Therapeutic Forest Approved Practitioner and an Institute of Outdoor Learning Recognised Professional.
Find out about all our Learning and Outreach projects here.