RFS Certification – Theory Qualifications

Applicants for RFS professional certification must hold a relevant theory qualification at Level 2 standard or above as well as a range of practical awards of competence.

Examples of relevant qualifications include:

Distance Learning

HCC Certificate in Forestry at QLS Level 2

ABC Level 2 Certificate in Arboriculture


Level 2 Aborist Standard

Level 3 Forest Craftsperson

Further and Higher Education

T Level Trees and Woodland Management

Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture

FdSc Arboriculture and Tree Management

BSc (Hons) Forestry

We sometimes accept qualifications that are not on this list if they are a direct equivalent or if they contain a substantial number of comparable modules. Please contact careers@rfs.org.uk to check the suitability of alternative qualifications, particularly if you are thinking about registering for them specifically to gain RFS Certification.