What does the Award involve?

What does it include?
A programme of eight sessions in which participants complete practical tasks and enhance their knowledge of woodlands and forestry. A course booklet for participants to record and reflect upon their achievements.
What facilities do we need?
Access to some trees, preferably at least six different species. These do not need to be planted as a woodland, they can be around the school grounds, in a hedgerow or nearby in the local community.
Space and permission to plant at least one tree within your grounds or local community.
Do our staff need to undertake specific training to deliver this award?
The award has been designed to make outdoor learning accessible for all schools without the need for specific qualifications, although it would be beneficial to have either the Outdoor Learning Practitioner or Forest School qualification.
What resources will we need?
A Junior Forester Award booklet for each participant. The participants will need to wear clothing that they can get muddy, ideally a full change of clothes from their school uniform, sturdy footwear and have waterproofs / sun protection depending on the weather.
How do I use the handbook?
The activities suggested in the handbook are just a guide and should be adapted to suit your setting, the age of your children, the time that you have available and your skills and experience.
Is there a cost?
The Junior Forester Award is available entirely free of charge.
How do we register to take part?
When you’re ready to take part, use our registration form to request a downloadable pack for your school or group.