To commission articles for the QJF from contributors and to make sure they are received on time.
To work with the QJF Editorial Board to identify topics and articles of interest to RFS members.
To develop a schedule of articles with at least a one year horizon.
To identify and approach potential authors and secure agreement to submit articles in an agreed time frame.
To read and acknowledge all incoming material, and foster relationships with regular contributors
Liaise with authors and/or Editorial Board on acceptance, detailed content queries and illustrations for papers and articles.
To write occasional articles for the QJF including arranging interviews with contributors from which copy can be produced.
To write-up selected RFS conferences and events for the QJF.
To provide editorial for the QJF and act as the face of the Journal
To chase outstanding articles, including high quality photographs and review submissions to make sure they have met the brief.
To work with the Production Editor to make sure there is sufficient high quality copy for each issue, identify potential gaps and source back-up copy where necessary.
Identify and commission book reviews, liaising with publishers to request review copies and sending out final pdfs of reviews to publishers.
To ensure news, new members, obituaries letters and Divisional reports are provided on time and in the required format.
To keep an up to date record of all QJF material received/in the pipeline/suggested for the future.
To update the Production Editor and the Editorial Board on the above following publication of each issue of the journal.
To attend Editorial Board meetings and other RFS events as required, including Media Team meetings and PR and Comms Advisory group
To proof read pdf proofs of all articles and other content.
To organise the annual photography competition, including advertising, prizes and judging.
To source high resolution cover images as required.
To edit articles and papers to check for technical (i.e., forestry) accuracy, and to ensure they read well and are in line with house style.
To work with authors to identify appropriate pull-out quotes (around two per article/paper).
To compile a list of ‘Further reading for the QJF archive’ to accompany each published article/paper.
To coordinate peer review of papers submitted to the journal.
To formulate/update QJF policies as required (e.g., policy on distribution of QJF articles/papers), and communicate policies with authors as necessary.
To manage arrangements for the James cup competition for best article submitted to QJF. This involves finding and selecting suitable judges and ensuring fair process followed to determine result.
To manage QJF on-line archive to ensure latest issues are uploaded to website in timely manner
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