
English Tree Strategy consultation response

The RFS sees this as an important opportunity to help shape the future of woodland and forestry management in England for decades to come.

By Wendy Necar · September 11, 2020

We have consulted with our members and with other allied organisations and have submitted the following five documents. We are committed to working with Defra to make the ETS a success. You can read the following in full:

  • RFS open response – summarising our position on nine key issues. 
  • RFS survey responses
  • Joint RFS, ICF and CONFOR response – featuring six clear messages from the forestry sector. 
  • Forestry Climate Change Working Group (FCCWG) response—a cross sector response calling for climate change adaptation to be central to the ETS’s aims and objectives.
  • Forestry Skills Forum (FSF)) response – a cross sector response pointing out that the ETS will only be as effective as the people who can deliver its aims and calling for investment in resources for training and skills to be an integral part of the ETS.