
Applications now open for the RFS Excellence in Forestry Awards 2025

The Excellence in Forestry Awards celebrate the best of British woodlands, from silviculture to forest education. The RFS is thrilled to receive sponsorship from the Duchy of Cornwall for the 2025 awards.

By Joe Roberts · February 5, 2025

Press Release

The Royal Forestry Society (RFS) has opened applications for its flagship Excellence in Forestry (EIF) Awards, offering £3,750 in prizes across five categories, with the Duchy of Cornwall joining as a key sponsor of the 2025 awards.

The competition, widely regarded as the premier forestry awards across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, celebrates the best of woodland management and forestry education in one of five regions each year.

This year, the awards will shine a spotlight on the South West’s most innovative woodlands, from extensive commercial forests to pockets of woodlands as small as 0.2 hectares. The awards will focus on projects across the RFS divisions of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Somerset & Dorset, South Western and Worcestershire.

Head Forester Geraint Richards at the Duchy of Cornwall said: “The Duchy of Cornwall is delighted to co-sponsor the Education and Learning Award at the Excellence in Forestry Awards. Access to nature is critical throughout all stages of life and we’re excited to see which schools and education providers enter this year’s award.”

The winners, sponsors and judges at the 2024 EIF Awards at Calke Abbey, Derbyshire.

Each category offers a Gold award of £500 and a Silver award of £250, with all Gold winners receiving a beautifully crafted trophy. The awards honour landowners and managers who are exploring innovative methods in timber production, combating threats of climate change and developing resilience against pests and diseases. Agroforestry projects, small woodlands, education projects and community-focused projects are also celebrated.

These many and varied aspects of the sector are reflected across five categories and aim to mirror the industry’s response to economic, social and environmental challenges.

Applications are open now, with entries closing on 30 April. Shortlisted applicants will be visited by independent judges appointed by the RFS and winners will be announced at a ceremonial event on 25 September 2025.

In addition to the EIF awards, the Sylva Trophy will be presented at the ceremony. This trophy is presented annually by the RFS to recognise a person or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to forestry in its broadest sense.

RFS Chief Executive, Christopher Williams commented: “Our annual Excellence in Forestry awards celebrate excellence in woodland management and education, and demonstrate how commitment establishes and maintains resilient woods and trees on estates, farms and within communities.  We are always impressed with the quality of the entries and the passion shown by the entrants.  It is important that we promote and share their stories, so that others may be inspired by them.”

To apply for one of the five awards, head to:


Notes to Editor

For further information, images or to arrange interviews, contact:

Joe Roberts, Communications & Advocacy Manager, RFS


About the Royal Forestry Society

The Royal Forestry Society (RHS) was founded 140 years ago and has dedicated itself to sharing knowledge on the art and science of woodland management so that the accumulated wisdom and experience of landowners, foresters, arborists and others is transferred from one generation to another.

The RFS believes that:

  • Woods should be managed not neglected
  • Thriving woods depend on nurturing skills and sharing knowledge
  • We must increase woodland resilience to pests, disease and climate change
  • More sustainably managed productive woods should be created
  • Well managed woods generate extensive public benefits which should be funded
  • We must increase public understanding of the value of managed woodland

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