Forestry Roots Employer Applications 2025

Applications for 2025 will close on 31st January.

For further information on the application process please contact Becky Wilkinson.

Please be aware you must be a current RFS member to apply.

The deadline for applications is 31st January but the sooner you apply the sooner we can reach out and talk with you about your application.

We are expecting grants to be in the region of £20,000.

All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence, there is no obligation to offer employment past the one-year funded post and the review panels decision is final.

For example, estate, sawmill, forestry consultant, national park etc.
Provide reasons for applying, background information about your organisation, general forestry/countryside works undertaken.
The grant cannot be used to subsidise an existing/planned graduate or apprenticeship recruitment programme
Under forester, woodsperson, assistant forest manager etc.
Affordable rental accommodation in rural areas is increasingly scarce. Please comment on whether you're able to offer accommodation with this post or on availability in your local area.