Ready to claim your grant

Once you've done your planting, use this form to tell us how it went and claim your grant. You can use this form to tell us if everything went to plan (or if you needed to make changes). If you did need to make changes, you'll need to upload a new copy of your planting plan. You'll need to submit a minimum of four photos of your trees and give us and our project partners permission to use these to promote the scheme.

You can find your Project Number on the Grant Offer Letter that was provided at the start of your project.
This is usually the name of the Woodland or property where the trees were planted.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Did you plant the trees you outlined in the planting plan you provided with your grant application?

Max. file size: 50 MB.
you can download a planting plan template from
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Payment Details: Name (must be an RFS or RSFS member)(Required)
    Payment Details: Bank account to pay claim(Required)
    Payment Details: Contact Details (telephone or email of someone we can contact about payment if there are any issues)(Required)