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Training Materials
Ecosystems, tree health, risk and impact assessments
Using a New Woodland for Forest Education Training Video
Woodland Ecosystems and Forest Education Training Video
Introduction to Harmful and Toxic Plants Training Video
Tree Health Resources for Schools Common tree health problems and how to spot them.
So you own a woodland? A resource new woodland owners but also relevant to Forest Education. Includes sections on: - layers of a woodland ecosystem - history of British woodlands
Forest School Impact Assessment Guide Examples of common positive and negative impacts of Forest School activities, for use in preparing an Ecological Impact Assessment for your site.
Risk Assessing a Woodland Space Before a Visit Training Video
Risk Assessing Trees in Your Learning Area Training Video
Ropes swings, dens, treehouses and fires Guidance document.
Ages: Forest Education practitioners Short videos designed to refresh knowledge for trained practitioners on woodland management and bushcraft practical skills.
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