April 29, 2025, 9:00 am - April 30, 2025, 5:30 pm

Continuous Cover Forestry – Irregular Silviculture in the lowlands: Transformation in Practice

Tutors: David Pengelly and Andy Poore of SelectFor are leading exponents of Continuous Cover Forest Management. This is an established two day course providing an in-depth introduction to the theory and practical application of irregular silviculture in coniferous and broadleaved stands with the emphasis on lowland forests.

Stourhead (Western) Estate and Cranborne Chase (Wiltshire), BA12 6QD

This two-day course provides an in-depth introduction to the theory and practical application of irregular silviculture in coniferous and broadleaved stands with the emphasis on lowland forests.

It incorporates a marking exercise in which the participants, generally in groups of two, undertake the marking decision process for themselves within a 1 ha stand under transformation and interact with David Pengelly and Andy Poore who are experienced practitioners. On the completion of the marking exercise, the trees selected for removal by each group are inputted into a spreadsheet which provides a detailed summary of the silvicultural and economic consequences of each marking. These data can be compared between the groups and with the marking of the local manager.

The course includes site visits in irregular coniferous and broadleaved stands and looks in detail at the silviculture of transformation and the monitoring of stand structure and performance. It’s based on the Stourhead (Western) Estate, Stourton, near Mere Wiltshire, and Cranborne Chase on the Wiltshire/Dorset border.

David and Andy have been running this course for a number of years but have now partnered with the RFS.  Feedback from previous participants include:

“An enormous amount of useable information was squeezed into the course and, because it included a practical marking exercise, analysis of our own work and succinct handouts, most of that information has been retained! “

“Expertly tutored by the knowledgeable team of Andy Poore and David Pengelly. Over two days, including several site visits, we learned in detail how to apply a more natural form of forestry.”

Places are limited to a maximum of 16 delegates to ensure that everyone can contribute and have their individual questions answered. Please book accommodation if you require it. Hot drinks will be included but lunch is not, so please bring a packed lunches.

Price: £470 RFS members / £550 Non-member  – our prices are not subject to VAT.

Please note: Card payment is by PayPal but you do not need a PayPal account to use it, check out as as a guest.

David Pengelly

Director SelectFor Ltd and Partner with D & H Pengelly

David is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. Having worked in the forestry industry since the 1980’s and operated as an independent manager and consultant since 1997, he has considerable experience in a broad range of forestry related issues. David’s client base includes large estates, voluntary organisations, public sector and smaller privately owned woodlands, covering a range of forest and woodland types. David has particular expertise in timber harvesting and marketing.

Andy Poore

Director SelectFor Ltd

Andy holds degrees in Economics and Forestry and since the 1980s has acted as a manager and consultant for a number of large private estates in Southern England and Wales and other public and commercial clients. He is particularly experienced in managing sites with high nature conservation and heritage values. Other areas of expertise are broadleaved silviculture, forest economics and mensuration in irregular stands.