RFS Awards
The Royal Forestry Society is proud to offer a range of awards which recognise students, organisations and professionals for the work they do to improve British woodland and forests.
Excellence in Forestry Awards
The RFS Excellence in Forestry Awards are the premier forestry competition for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These Awards celebrate all that is best in woodland management,...
RFS Sylva Trophy
This trophy is presented annually to recognise a person or organisation who in the opinion of the RFS has made an outstanding contribution to forestry in its broadest...
RFS Long Service Award
The RFS offers this award to hands-on woodmen, contractors or foresters who have worked at the sharp end of forestry with the same employer and/or on the same...
The James Cup
The James Cup is presented annually to the author of the best original article in our Quarterly Journal of Forestry (QJF). The award is made in memory of...
RFS Rising Star Award
The Rising Star Award was created to celebrate and encourage the outstanding achievements and contributions of those who are new to forestry.
RFS Student and Divisional Awards
Local divisional awards for student achievements and outstanding woodland management.